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Mid March Update - March 16, 2023



  1. Hotfix #1 (Mar. 16, 2023)
    1. Police MDT. Fixed looking people up and should once again be able to see players times. These times are as of this changelog
    2. Market Place should open
    3. Fixed being able to enter houses to rob
    4. Fixed a few suspensions turning into other items when crafting



  1. Items
    1. Added the following:
      • Coffee - Gives thirst and used to craft beverage at UwU. Can be crafted or purchased at a coffee vending machine for $5
      • Coffee Grounds - Used to craft Coffee.
  2. Stretchers
    1. Added functionality to these. You can now load players into ambulances that are on the stretcher. You can also take them out which puts them back on the stretcher that you can push around.
  3. Drug Selling Boosts
    1. These work again for weed, coke and meth if you consume the appropriate drink (ahegao coffee/veggie shake/affogato)
  4. Police MDT
    1. Added evidence button functionality back in
  5. Market Place
    1. This has been added back in
    2. For new people these can be accessed at various locations around the city (Legion Square, MRPD, etc) by using third eye
    3. You can see whatever you like on here. There is a black market but it requires a specific item to be able to buy/sell on the black market
  6. Put in and take out of vehicles
    1. Added ability to do this through the third eye again
  7. Tattoos
    1. Tattoos can now be purchased at any tattoo shop. I haven't adjusted any of the prices. These are base prices with the script so I'm not sure if they are under/over priced
  8. Realestate
    1. Added an interior
  9. Suspensions
    1. Added in to the mechanic crafting
  10. Vehicle Pushing
    1. Added back to the third eye
    2. Also added the command /stoppushing to cancel pushing incase someone drives off while pushing the vehicle
  11. Radial Menu
    1. Added vehicle options/menu back in



  1. Exploit Abuse
    1. Removed it from kicking you from the server on small things. However these things are being logged. So you should no longer be kicked if you try to escort or cuff someone that gets a bit too far from you.
  2. Laying in hospital beds
    1. This no longer charges you to do the third eye "Lay in bed" option
  3. Opening Vehicle Doors Through Third Eye
    1. This should be more reliable
  4. Scrapping
    1. Slightly increased the materials you get from this
  5. Realestate
    1. Reworked some functionality of this
  6. Restaurants
    1. Reworked the /givecash to where it includes the total paid
  7. Jewelry Robbery
    1. Made it where the cases break again
    2. Increased number of items you get and slightly increased price at pawn shop. However, that is not the best way to make money off jewelry robbery. There is a hidden way.
  8. Bank Robberies
    1. Increased these payouts across the board (Fleeca, Paleto, Pacific)
    2. Fixed some doors needing to be locked using the new lock script and added functionality between the bank robbery and door lock script



  1. Drug Selling
    1. Fixed an exploit where you could sell to peds you shouldn't be able to
  2. Boss Menu
    1. Fixed issue with firing employees that are offline
    2. Fixed adding/removing funds to/from the society
  3. Job MDT
    1. Fixed issue with some jobs not being able to send bill
  4. PDM/Lux
    1. Fixed issue with test driving vehicles
    2. Removed some vehicles that shouldn't have been in there.
    3. Stopped these vehicles from being lockpicked
  5. Vehicle Repairing
    1. Fixed an issue where a vehicle wasn't able to be repaired if the hood was knocked off
  6. Crafting
    1. Fixed issue where items wouldn't be removed from inventory while crafting
  7. Inventory
    1. Fixed issue where items wouldn't stack that should be
    2. Fixed receiving items when your inventory slots are all taken up. Item given to you should now properly drop on the ground cause you don't have enough hands to hold the item.
  8. Garages
    1. Fixed vehicles not deleting when storing them
  9. Fueling
    1. Hopefully fixed issue where vehicle wouldn't fill up if other people were in it
  10. Hot Dog Job
    1. Fixed issue where you would get frozen to the cart
  11. House Robberies
    1. Fixed issue where you wouldn't break in after successful lockpick
    2. Fixed issue where you could spam the button
  12. Police Alerts
    1. Police once again get alerts for bank and store robberies
  13. Bank Truck Robberies
    1. These should be more reliable now
  14. Taking off clothes
    1. Fixed taking off shirts, pants and shoes for males and females
  15. On Duty Job Count
    1. Fixed an issue where sometimes the number of on duty of a specific job would be less that what is really on.